Tuesday, April 28, 2020


For the Love of State

This is merely anecdotal. I don’t know what honest and comprehensive stats would ultimately show but...

It appears that those who strongly favor a strict “lockdown” status are overwhelmingly leftist in their general sympathies. Those who are at least skeptical and resistant to such overbearing control by government seem to appear more right wing or libertarian in their sympathies. Now, to be sure there are plenty of nut-cases on all sides but when I see the “resting bitch face” of the Michigan governor or the whining and dishonest fear-mongers of CNN and MSNBC et al. They appear to be the usual clowns that support obedience to government and restriction on a dynamic free society. The best caricature I can think of is that horrid ranting bitch on The View, Joy Blowhard. I realize that one could find similar caricatures of some protestors on the other side rambling about abortion or carrying “Trump 2020” flags but what each side supports is telling. The left, as always, supports powerful ever-growing state authority to override free thought and action. The right....wants to be left alone.

We are not going to join your commune. We are not going to obey your dictates. We are not to going to relinquish our right to walk in a park, drive a car, buy a lunch, assemble, protest, question, and think and act freely.

There are many legitimate questions to be asked regarding the Corona virus. Blind obedience to a cabal of “experts” who dominate government, internationalist organizations, and faux journalism is one thing. Forfeiting one’s freedom to speak, question, and engage some very deceptive and dubious claims is quite another.

As usual, if you want to join a commune and prostrate yourself before an arrogant clique of socialist authoritarians, go for it but, leave the rest of us the hell alone.

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